puts you in the role of CEO at a traditional toy manufacturer. The company, called ToyBlocks Co., must confront the challenges of launching an online sales channel while managing and maintaining their current traditional sales channels. The Kellogg Case Simulation Team, Knowledge Dynamics, and Powersim Corporation have partnered to develop for the DFC 2000.

The Kellogg Case Simulation Team, under the sponsorship of Professor Mohan Sawhney, has worked to produce a web-based simulation game, "," for launch at DFC 2000. The goal of the team is to create a body of online simulations that deal with relevant real world situations which offer a more compelling, hands-on experience than traditional cases. The team's first effort, SimZine, which launched at DFC 1999, had over 800 individual users at over 6 business schools internationally.

More info about the inner workings of would not have been possible without the contributions of the individuals below:

Kellogg Contributors
  Special Thanks To:
  Anne Coughlan Professor of Marketing
  Tara Moskal Kellogg Information Systems
  Scott Mencken Product Manager
  Shailu Verma Models Manager
  Darryl Cobb Systems Manager
Knowledge Dynamics
  Special Thanks to Knowledge Dynamics for developing BricksOrClicks:
  Mike Smialek Project Management, Tools & Feedback
  Michael Rubin Lead Architect & Developer
Powersim Contributors
  Will Glass-Hussain Modeling Consulting
  Ken Bradford Business Development
  Lasse Storholt Development Consulting
  Fabian Gonzalez MetroServer Consulting
Other Kellogg Contributors
  Amy Newkirk Scenarios Manager
  Lyndon Elam Interface Lead
  Byron Bardy Systems Lead
  Tom Lynch Scenarios Lead
  Randy Burt Models Lead
  Christophe Ambrosi Models Lead
  Jagdeep Sahni Models Lead
  Marisa O'Connor Marketing
  Paige Herren Interface
  Arthur Weiss Interface
  Richard Bruch Model
  Jason Schlueter Model
  Matthew Demaray Model
  David Jennings Model
  Kendall Riding Model

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